Results for 'Frederik W. Wiegel'

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  1.  53
    Some design principles for immune system recognition.Alan S. Perelson & Frederik W. Wiegel - 1999 - Complexity 4 (5):29-37.
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    Teaching and learning the nature of technical artifacts.I. Frederik, W. Sonneveld & M. J. De Vries - unknown
    Artifacts are probably our most obvious everyday encounter with technology. Therefore, a good understanding of the nature of technical artifacts is a relevant part of technological literacy. In this article we draw from the philosophy of technology to develop a conceptualization of technical artifacts that can be used for educational purposes. Furthermore we report a small exploratory empirical study to see to what extent teachers’ intuitive ideas about artifacts match with the way philosophers write about the nature of artifacts. Finally, (...)
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    Into the deep: new discoveries at the base of the green plant phylogeny.Frederik Leliaert, Heroen Verbruggen & Frederick W. Zechman - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (9):683-692.
    Recent data have provided evidence for an unrecognised ancient lineage of green plants that persists in marine deep-water environments. The green plants are a major group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that have played a prominent role in the global ecosystem for millions of years. A schism early in their evolution gave rise to two major lineages, one of which diversified in the world's oceans and gave rise to a large diversity of marine and freshwater green algae (Chlorophyta) while the other gave (...)
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    Size and shape: the developmental regulation of static allometry in insects.Alexander W. Shingleton, W. Anthony Frankino, Thomas Flatt, H. Frederik Nijhout & Douglas J. Emlen - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):536-548.
    Among all organisms, the size of each body part or organ scales with overall body size, a phenomenon called allometry. The study of shape and form has attracted enormous interest from biologists, but the genetic, developmental and physiological mechanisms that control allometry and the proportional growth of parts have remained elusive. Recent progress in our understanding of body‐size regulation provides a new synthetic framework for thinking about the mechanisms and the evolution of allometric scaling. In particular, insulin/IGF signaling, which plays (...)
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    Perverse Effects of Other-Referenced Performance Goals in an Information Exchange Context.P. Marijn Poortvliet, Frederik Anseel, Onne Janssen, Nico W. Yperen & Evert Vliert - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):401-414.
    We argue and demonstrate that an emphasis on outperforming others may lead to perverse effects. Four studies show that assigning other-referenced performance goals, relative to self-referenced mastery goals, may lead to more interpersonally harmful behavior in an information exchange context. Results of Study 1 indicate that assigned performance goals lead to stronger thwarting behavior and less accurate information giving to an exchange partner than assigned mastery goals. Similarly, in Study 2 performance goal individuals more subtly deceived highly competent opponents relative (...)
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    Perverse Effects of Other-Referenced Performance Goals in an Information Exchange Context.P. Marijn Poortvliet, Frederik Anseel, Onne Janssen, Nico W. Van Yperen & Evert Van de Vliert - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):401-414.
    We argue and demonstrate that an emphasis on outperforming others may lead to perverse effects. Four studies show that assigning other-referenced performance goals, relative to self-referenced mastery goals, may lead to more interpersonally harmful behavior in an information exchange context. Results of Study 1 indicate that assigned performance goals lead to stronger thwarting behavior and less accurate information giving to an exchange partner than assigned mastery goals. Similarly, in Study 2 performance goal individuals more subtly deceived highly competent opponents relative (...)
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    Adorno und die Medien. Kritik, Relevanz, Ästhetik.Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai (eds.) - 2023 - Berlin: Kadmos.
    Theodor W. Adornos Denken war Zeit seines Lebens von einem ebenso fruchtbaren wie zwiespältigen Verhältnis zu den Medien durchdrungen. Dabei verstand er es, seine gesellschaftskritischen Überlegungen an ihnen ebenso zu schärfen wie sie für die Vermittlung seiner Analysen an ein breites Publikum zu nutzen. Auch wenn er diese ambivalente Haltung an damaligen Medien entwickelte, erweist sich der Ansatz als vielversprechend, sie an der heutigen Medienlandschaft in ihrem Einfluss auf Gesellschaft, Politik und Kultur zu erproben. Die Fragen nach der Relevanz von (...)
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    Der Exzess als ästhetisches Potenzial. Mediale Selbstgestaltung auf Theodor W. Adornos Prüfstand.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2023 - In Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai (eds.), Adorno und die Medien. Kritik, Relevanz, Ästhetik. Berlin: Kadmos. pp. 251-267.
  9.  4
    Theory and Practice of Self-Reflection. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory and Psychoanalytical Thought.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2021 - In Samir Gandesha, Johan Hartle & Stefano Marino (eds.), The “aging” of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. Fifty Years Later. Mimesis International. pp. 191-215.
  10. Insights & Perspectives.Stuart A. Newman, Carlos Sonnenschein, Ana M. Soto, David L. Vaux, James P. Curley, Anja Pm Verhagen, Ger Jm Pruijn, Frederik Leliaert, Heroen Verbruggen & Frederick W. Zechman - unknown - Bioessays 33:653 - 656.
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    Obligation as weakest permission: A strongly complete axiomatization.Frederik van de Putte - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):370-379.
    In, a deontic logic is proposed which explicates the idea that a formulaφis obligatory if and only if it is the weakest permission. We give a sound and strongly complete, Hilbert style axiomatization for this logic. As a corollary, it is compact, contradicting earlier claims from Anglbergeret al.. In addition, we prove that our axiomatization is equivalent to Anglberger et al.’s infinitary proof system, and show that our results are robust w.r.t. certain changes in the underlying semantics.
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  12. The reformation as 'tragic necessity' revisited.William W. Emilsen - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):415.
    Emilsen, William W On the cusp of the Second Vatican Council the distinguished American Lutheran historical theologian, Jaroslav Pelikan, then at the University of Chicago, published a groundbreaking volume titled The Riddle of Roman Catholicism. In this book Pelikan gave a sympathetic yet critical examination of the evolution of Roman Catholicism, its distinctive beliefs and, most importantly, he offered a discussion of the theological issues Protestants face in their conversations with Roman Catholics on Christian unity. The Riddle of Roman Catholicism (...)
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    Rethinking the Just War Tradition.Michael W. Brough, John W. Lango & Harry van der Linden (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    The just war tradition is an evolving body of tenets for determining when resorting to war is just and how war may be justly executed. Rethinking the Just War Tradition provides a timely exploration in light of new security threats that have emerged since the end of the Cold War, including ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, threats of terror attacks, and genocidal conflicts within states. The contributors are philosophers, political scientists, a U.S. Army officer, and a senior analyst at (...)
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    Foreign native: An African Journey.R. W. Johnson - 2020 - Jeppestown, South Africa: Jonathan Ball Publishers.
    In Foreign Native, RW Johnson looks back with affection and humour on his life in Africa. From schooldays in Durban -- fresh off the boat from Merseyside -- to later years as an academic, director of the Helen Suzman Foundation and formidable political commentator, he has produced an entertaining and occasionally eye-popping memoir brimming with history, anecdote and insight. Johnson charts his evolution from enthusiastic, left-leaning Africanist to political realist, relating the episodes that influenced his intellectual worldview, including time spent (...)
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  15.  21
    Sopholab: Experimental computational philosophy.V. Wiegel - 2007 - Dissertation,
    In this book, the extend to which we can equip artificial agents with moral reasoning capacity is investigated. Attempting to create artificial agents with moral reasoning capabilities challenges our understanding of morality and moral reasoning to its utmost. It also helps philosophers dealing with the inherent complexity of modern organizations. Modern society with large multi-national organizations and extensive information infrastructures provides a backdrop for moral theories that is hard to encompass through mere theorising. Computerized support for theorising is needed to (...)
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  16.  83
    On the Compatibility of Sustainability and Economic Growth.Vincent Wiegel - 1997 - Environmental Ethics 19 (3):247-265.
    It is generally assumed that sustainable development and economic growth are compatible objectives. Because this assumption has been left unspecified, the debate on sustainability and growth has remained vague and confusing. Attempts at specification not only involve clarification of the interrelation of the two concepts, but also, we argue, require a philosophical approach in which the concepts of sustainability and economic growth are analyzed in the context of our frame of reference. We suggest that if the notion of sustainability is (...)
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  17.  67
    Privacy, deontic epistemic action logic and software agents.V. Wiegel, M. J. Van den Hoven & G. J. C. Lokhorst - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):251-264.
    In this paper we present an executable approach to model interactions between agents that involve sensitive, privacy-related information. The approach is formal and based on deontic, epistemic and action logic. It is conceptually related to the Belief-Desire-Intention model of Bratman. Our approach uses the concept of sphere as developed by Waltzer to capture the notion that information is provided mostly with restrictions regarding its application. We use software agent technology to create an executable approach. Our agents hold beliefs about the (...)
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  18.  18
    Privacy, Deontic Epistemic Action Logic and Software Agents: An Executable Approach to Modeling Moral Constraints in Complex Informational Relationships.V. Wiegel, M. Hoven & G. Lokhorst - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):251-264.
    In this paper we present an executable approach to model interactions between agents that involve sensitive, privacy-related information. The approach is formal and based on deontic, epistemic and action logic. It is conceptually related to the Belief-Desire-Intention model of Bratman. Our approach uses the concept of sphere as developed by Waltzer to capture the notion that information is provided mostly with restrictions regarding its application. We use software agent technology to create an executable approach. Our agents hold beliefs about the (...)
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  19. Die Logik der Spontaneität.Margot Wiegels - 1969 - Freiburg,: K. Alber.
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    Zu den Heeresformationen Roms an Rhein und oberer Donau in der Zeit des Alexander Severus und Maximinus Thrax.Rainer Wiegels - 2014 - Klio 96 (1):93-143.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 1 Seiten: 93-143.
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    Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs.Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
    Der Körper hat Konjunktur. Als ausgestellter, verfüg- und verführbarer begegnet er uns täglichim Übermaß. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis im Spiel der sich in den Wissenschafteneinander ablösenden turns auch ein corporeal (oder body) turn ausgerufen würde. Dabeibleibt im genannten turn der Gegenstand der Untersuchung nicht selten reduziert auf das, wasman im deutschen Sprachgebrauch »Körper« nennt: ein physisches Substrat, das wie ein Dingunter Dingen beschreibbar ist. Gegen diese Verkürzung stellt der Begri des »Leibes«,spätestens seit Edmund Husserl, eine präzise (...)
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  22.  68
    Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen: moral machines: teaching robots right from wrong: Oxford University Press, 2009, 273 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-537404-9. [REVIEW]Vincent Wiegel - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (4):359-361.
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  23.  19
    Semantic algorithms of bioethics.N. A. Ageeva, N. L. Wiegel & G. N. Shapoval - 2019 - Theoretical Bioethics 24 (2):6-11.
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  24.  16
    The paradigm of tolerance in the prism of understanding future doctors.Ju S. Khudina & N. L. Wiegel - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):27-30.
    Thе article deals with the attitude of medical university students towards gender identification. The problem is extremely urgent because of dynamic change of the world. It has a politematic framework and addresses national features, religious and philosophical aspects, as well as many others. Tolerance issues in general and in certain areas of medicine in particular occupy an important place in the formation of a doctor as a professional. In the publication, a thorough analysis of the materials was carried out, which (...)
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  25. Uniqueness and Logical Disagreement (Revisited).Frederik J. Andersen - 2023 - Logos and Episteme 14 (3):243-259.
    This paper discusses the Uniqueness Thesis, a core thesis in the epistemology of disagreement. After presenting uniqueness and clarifying relevant terms, a novel counterexample to the thesis will be introduced. This counterexample involves logical disagreement. Several objections to the counterexample are then considered, and it is argued that the best responses to the counterexample all undermine the initial motivation for uniqueness.
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  26. Logical Akrasia.Frederik J. Andersen - forthcoming - Episteme.
    The aim of this paper is threefold. Firstly, §1 and §2 introduce the novel concept logical akrasia by analogy to epistemic akrasia. If successful, the initial sections will draw attention to an interesting akratic phenomenon which has not received much attention in the literature on akrasia (although it has been discussed by logicians in different terms). Secondly, §3 and §4 present a dilemma related to logical akrasia. From a case involving the consistency of Peano Arithmetic and Gödel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem (...)
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  27. Logical Disagreement.Frederik J. Andersen - 2024 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    While the epistemic significance of disagreement has been a popular topic in epistemology for at least a decade, little attention has been paid to logical disagreement. This monograph is meant as a remedy. The text starts with an extensive literature review of the epistemology of (peer) disagreement and sets the stage for an epistemological study of logical disagreement. The guiding thread for the rest of the work is then three distinct readings of the ambiguous term ‘logical disagreement’. Chapters 1 and (...)
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  28. Countering Justification Holism in the Epistemology of Logic: The Argument from Pre-Theoretic Universality.Frederik J. Andersen - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Logic 20 (3):375-396.
    A key question in the philosophy of logic is how we have epistemic justification for claims about logical entailment (assuming we have such justification at all). Justification holism asserts that claims of logical entailment can only be justified in the context of an entire logical theory, e.g., classical, intuitionistic, paraconsistent, paracomplete etc. According to holism, claims of logical entailment cannot be atomistically justified as isolated statements, independently of theory choice. At present there is a developing interest in—and endorsement of—justification holism (...)
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  29. Modeling Deep Disagreement in Default Logic.Frederik J. Andersen - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Logic 21 (2):47-63.
    Default logic has been a very active research topic in artificial intelligence since the early 1980s, but has not received as much attention in the philosophical literature thus far. This paper shows one way in which the technical tools of artificial intelligence can be applied in contemporary epistemology by modeling a paradigmatic case of deep disagreement using default logic. In §1 model-building viewed as a kind of philosophical progress is briefly motivated, while §2 introduces the case of deep disagreement we (...)
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    Dicisigns: Peirce’s semiotic doctrine of propositions.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1019-1054.
    The paper gives a detailed reconstruction and discussion of Peirce’s doctrine of propositions, so-called Dicisigns, developed in the years around 1900. The special features different from the logical mainstream are highlighted: the functional definition not dependent upon conscious stances nor human language, the semiotic characterization extending propositions and quasi-propositions to cover prelinguistic and prehuman occurrences of signs, the relations of Dicisigns to the conception of facts, of diagrammatical reasoning, of icons and indices, of meanings, of objects, of syntax in Peirce’s (...)
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  31. Believing in Default Rules: Inclusive Default Reasoning.Frederik J. Andersen & Rasmus K. Rendsvig - forthcoming - Synthese.
    This paper argues for the reasonableness of an inclusive conception of default reasoning. The inclusive conception allows untriggered default rules to influence beliefs: Since a default “from φ, infer ψ” is a defeasible inference rule, it by default warrants a belief in the material implication φ → ψ, even if φ is not believed. Such inferences are not allowed in standard default logic of the Reiter tradition, but are reasonable by analogy to the Deduction Theorem for classical logic. Our main (...)
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    Diagrams as Centerpiece of a Peircean Epistemology.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (3):357 - 384.
  33. Uniqueness and Logical Disagreement.Frederik J. Andersen - 2020 - Logos and Episteme 11 (1):7-18.
    This paper discusses the uniqueness thesis, a core thesis in the epistemology of disagreement. After presenting uniqueness and clarifying relevant terms, a novel counterexample to the thesis will be introduced. This counterexample involves logical disagreement. Several objections to the counterexample are then considered, and it is argued that the best responses to the counterexample all undermine the initial motivation for uniqueness.
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  34. Predictive Minds Can Be Humean Minds.Frederik T. Junker, Jelle Bruineberg & Thor Grünbaum - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The predictive processing literature contains at least two different versions of the framework with different theoretical resources at their disposal. One version appeals to so-called optimistic priors to explain agents’ motivation to act (call this optimistic predictive processing). A more recent version appeals to expected free energy minimization to explain how agents can decide between different action policies (call this preference predictive processing). The difference between the two versions has not been properly appreciated, and they are not sufficiently separated in (...)
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  35. Pre-Vital and Post-Mortem Non-Existence.Frederik Kaufman - 1999 - American Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1):1 - 19.
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    On operational and optimal iconicity in Peirce's diagrammatology.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):395-419.
    Two different concepts of iconicity compete in Peirce's diagrammatical logic. One is articulated in his general reflections on the role of diagrams in thought, in what could be termed his diagrammatology — the other is articulated in his construction of Existential Graphs as an iconic system for representing logic. One is operational and defines iconicity in terms of which information may be derived from a given diagram or diagram system — the other has stronger demands on iconicity, adding to the (...)
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  37. Death and deprivation; or, why lucretius' symmetry argument fails.Frederik Kaufman - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (2):305 – 312.
  38. Is the wandering mind a planning mind?Frederik Tollerup Junker & Thor Grünbaum - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (5):706–725.
    Recent studies on mind‐wandering reveal its potential role in goal exploration and planning future actions. How to understand these explorative functions and their impact on planning remains unclear. Given certain conceptions of intentions and beliefs, the explorative functions of mind‐wandering could lead to regular reconsideration of one's intentions. However, this would be in tension with the stability of intentions central to rational planning agency. We analyze the potential issue of excessive reconsideration caused by mind‐wandering. Our response resolves this tension, presenting (...)
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    The Consistency of Probabilistic Regresses. A Reply to Jeanne Peijnenburg and David Atkinson.Frederik Herzberg - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (3):331-345.
    In a recent paper, Jeanne Peijnenburg and David Atkinson [ Studia Logica, 89:333-341 ] have challenged the foundationalist rejection of infinitism by giving an example of an infinite, yet explicitly solvable regress of probabilistic justification. So far, however, there has been no criterion for the consistency of infinite probabilistic regresses, and in particular, foundationalists might still question the consistency of the solvable regress proposed by Peijnenburg and Atkinson.
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    Un-Coupling Family Law: The Legal Recognition and Protection of Adult Unions Outside of Conjugal Coupledom.Frederik Swennen - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 28 (1):39-60.
    This article sets out to research and resolve the conceptual lag between the family as defined and recognised in law and the multiplicity of queer constellations of ‘intimate citizenship’ in which families are actually done. The focus is on adult unions outside of conjugal coupledom. The family law practices, and awareness and expectations of adults in such unions were analysed through 21 interviews and the content analysis of 40 documents and were projected against the applicable legal mould. The article then (...)
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    Minimal axiomatic frameworks for definable hyperreals with transfer.Frederik S. Herzberg, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail Katz & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):385-391.
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  42. Dicisigns and Habits: Implicit Propositions and Habit-Taking in Peirce’s Pragmatism.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2016 - In Myrdene Anderson & Donna West (eds.), Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness. Springer Verlag.
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    Towards a simple mathematical model for the legal concept of balancing of interests.Frederike Zufall, Rampei Kimura & Linyu Peng - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (4):807-827.
    We propose simple nonlinear mathematical models for the legal concept of balancing of interests. Our aim is to bridge the gap between an abstract formalisation of a balancing decision while assuring consistency and ultimately legal certainty across cases. We focus on the conflict between the rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data in Art. 7 and Art. 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (EUCh) against the right of access to information derived from Art. 11 EUCh. (...)
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  44. Epistemic Consequentialism as a Metatheory of Inquiry.Frederik J. Andersen & Klemens Kappel - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (50):1-16.
    The overall aim of this article is to reorient the contemporary debate about epistemic consequentialism. Thus far the debate has to a large extent focused on whether standard theories of epistemic justification are consequentialist in nature and therefore vulnerable to certain trade-off cases where accepting a false or unjustified belief leads to good epistemic outcomes. We claim that these trade-offs raise an important—yet somewhat neglected—issue about the epistemic demands on inquiry. We first distinguish between two different kinds of epistemic evaluation, (...)
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    Dissociating intuitive physics from intuitive psychology: Evidence from Williams syndrome.Frederik S. Kamps, Joshua B. Julian, Peter Battaglia, Barbara Landau, Nancy Kanwisher & Daniel D. Dilks - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):146-153.
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    Sheets, Diagrams, and Realism in Peirce.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This book investigates a number of central problems in the philosophy of Charles Peirce grouped around the realism of his semiotics: the issue of how sign systems are developed and used in the investigation of reality. Thus, it deals with the precise character of Peirce's realism; with Peirce's special notion of propositions as signs which, at the same time, denote and describe the same object. It deals with diagrams as signs which depict more or less abstract states-of-affairs, facilitating reasoning about (...)
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    Internal laws of probability, generalized likelihoods and Lewis' infinitesimal chances–a response to Adam Elga.Frederik Herzberg - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (1):25-43.
    The rejection of an infinitesimal solution to the zero-fit problem by A. Elga ([2004]) does not seem to appreciate the opportunities provided by the use of internal finitely-additive probability measures. Indeed, internal laws of probability can be used to find a satisfactory infinitesimal answer to many zero-fit problems, not only to the one suggested by Elga, but also to the Markov chain (that is, discrete and memory-less) models of reality. Moreover, the generalization of likelihoods that Elga has in mind is (...)
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    Peirce’s Notion of Diagram Experiment: Corrollarial and Theorematical Experiments With Diagrams.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 305-340.
  49. Mereology and semiotics.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:73-97.
    This paper gives a fIrst overview over the role of mereology the theory of parts and wholes - in semiotics. The mereology of four major semioticians - Husserl, Jakobson, Hjelmslev, and Peirce is presented briefly and its role in the overall architecture of each of their theories is outlined - with Brentano tradition as reference. Finally, an evaluation of the strength and weaknesses of the four is undertaken, and some guidelines for further research is proposed.
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  50. Process Reliabilism, Prime Numbers and the Generality Problem.Frederik J. Andersen & Klemens Kappel - 2020 - Logos and Episteme 11 (2):231-236.
    This paper aims to show that Selim Berker’s widely discussed prime number case is merely an instance of the well-known generality problem for process reliabilism and thus arguably not as interesting a case as one might have thought. Initially, Berker’s case is introduced and interpreted. Then the most recent response to the case from the literature is presented. Eventually, it is argued that Berker’s case is nothing but a straightforward consequence of the generality problem, i.e., the problematic aspect of the (...)
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